Monday, April 14, 2014

Eckhart Tolle on Anxiety and Fear

Hey MoM,

This is a very intresting video with Eckhart Tolle talking about Fear and Anxiety. He explains how your mind creates fear and anxiety through thinking, he explains that you have the power to realize and change your thoughts by getting into the now and realize that your thoughts are only that "thoughts" and nothing more. He also goes into the different frequency of fear and presents.

What I learned from it (or was reminded of) is that fear is a thought that creates an emotion from our conditioning, and that we are able to observe our fear from the now and the thought process that created the fear can be acknowledged and deminished when we realize that it is only a thought of the conditioned mind.

I wanted to try and relate this to a real life experience by thinking of a time that I have had an intense feeling of fear from thoughts but also had an intense feeling of relief when my thoughts didnt come true. So what I came up with was the time that we all locked our self's into your bedroom on Kipling Ave. it started on the balcony Nancy had some friends and so did I, at some point someone looked down to the front of the building and seen two men looking up at us, they made a crack about the men not looking to happy or friendly as they stared up at us. A few moments later the two men walked into the building and not long after that there came loud banging on our front door. Well that was it, everyone got scared that these men were now at our door and trying to get in by banging the door down so they could kill us. We all rushed into your room, some grabbed knives to bring in with us. Once the door to your room was closed it was covered with your dresser. Well that fear of sitting in the room thinking about what these guys were going to do to us when they finally broke our front door down was intense. I don't know how long it lasted, but to me it felt like hours had passed when someone I guess went to check and realized it was you kicking the door because your arms were full of groceries and dinner you had picked up from KFC. The moment that someone said it was you all that fear evaporated in an instant. So the moment my thoughts changed from there is a killer at the door to its my mom at the door I was no longer fearing for my life and all the feelings of fear were created from nothing more than the thought that was introduced to me when the two men walked into the building.

How can I use this in my journy going forward?
Well I want to become more aware of the thoughts that go on in my head and acknowledge them for what they really are and that is just thoughts. If I observe the thoughts and understand them for what they are, I feel I can start to control them through being aware of them for what they are "Thoughts"

I love You xoxo

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